5 Ways to Help Manage Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Smiling, talking, laughing, chewing- these are all facial movements you practice everyday with little or no thought. But if you are having TMJ, that is, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, these simple movements may cause you a lot of pain. While it has been observed that most of the TMD problems may only last for a week, sometimes these issues may get aggravated by certain harmful activities that strain your neck muscles and jaws. Fortunately, there are certain things that you do that may help and manage TMJ pain.

What is TMJ Dysfunction?

This is a muscular or joint problem that usually occurs in the muscles and ligaments that move your mouth, which is exactly where your lower jawbone and skull meet. Temporomandibular disorders, including infection or injury in your TMJ, arthritis, and dislocation can cause painful locking and clicking in your jaw, neck pain, and headaches.

TMJ Pain Relief: 5 Best Practices

Sometimes in minor cases, you can easily avoid a surgical treatment by following some simple rules. Here are a few ways mentioned to give you a pain relief aura.

Maintain the resting position of your jaw

Minimize your jaw movements so that you can keep your muscles as relaxed as possible.

Correct your posture

Sitting in an incorrect posture for long hours can lead to immense jaw pain. Make sure you put a support on your back and take frequent breaks in between.

Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is important for several aspects of good health. It has the capability to cure severe diseases too.

Use a hot or cold compress

Ice helps in reducing pain and swelling. While heat can increase the blood flow to relax your muscles. Apply both compresses to have relief.

Reduce stress 

Try meditating or practicing yoga as it relaxes your facial muscles and eliminates stress to a great extent.

Connecticut & NY TMJ is the leading body, where you can get the best solution for severe TMJ dysfunction. If you are experiencing unbearable pain and if none of the above techniques work on you, get connected to them for the best assistance. For more details, schedule an appointment now!
